Episode 7 is LIVE on the Veggie Interior Design Queen Podcast!

Bamboo Angle Broom

Episode 7 is LIVE on the Veggie Interior Design Queen Podcast!

Do you have a small kitchen in your apartment or home? If so, here are 13 tips that will help elevate your space:

I talk more about them in Episode #7.
Listen here:

1) Keep it clean
2) Hide your broom, mop in closet space or in the gap between your wall and refrigerator
3) Use command hooks and strips
4) Use a runner or kitchen mat (cushion + catches spills e.g. water/oil)
5) Use stacking baskets to organize
6) Use LED puck lights under the cabinets
7) Use contact paper for counters
8) Use peel and stick tile
9) Use plants
10) Use decorations on the walls (e.g. art work/frames/wall gallery with mirrors/faux plants)
11) Use fabric table covers & table mat or placemat
12) Switch out cabinet hardware
13) Be grateful for what you have

Which of these tips will you try, friend?

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